
Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram (HRD)

We could often see different kinds of stars. How can they be classified?

The Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram (HRD) is a scatter graph that is used to classify stars according to their luminosity, spectral type, colour, temperature and stellar evolutionary stage. It is not a map of locations of stars. A typical HRD looks like this:


The lower left corner is reserved for white dwarf stars, while red supergiants – the most massive stars – occupy the upper right corner. The red giants are a little below supergiants, while main sequence stars are located diagonally across the diagram. For instance, Betelgeuse, the eighth brightest star in the sky and the second brightest star in the constellation Orion is a red supergiant, and could be placed in the upper right corner of HRD. Our sun, on the other hand, is a main sequence star

The spectral class follows an arrangement of O, B, A, F, G, K, M. Stars can further be classified within each class into categories ranging from 0 to 9. In the Morgan-Keenan system, luminosity classes can be expressed by I, II, III, IV, V, which is a general representation of the size of the star. Roughly speaking, O stars are blue, B stars are blue-white, A stars are white, F stars are yellow-white, G stars are yellow, K stars are orange, and M stars are red. For instance, our Sun is a G2V star, meaning that it is a ‘yellow’ two tenths, main sequence star. Interestingly, people have invented phrases such as ‘Oh Be A Find Girl Kiss Me’ or ‘Oh Boy An F Grade Kills Me’ for easy memorization. This scale is located at the upper horizontal axis.

Why are there different types of stars? Before I proceed to explain that, I must first introduce the mass-luminosity relation. The Stefan-Boltzmann law, also known as Stefan’s law, states that total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body across all wavelengths per unit of time is directly proportional to the fourth power of the black body’s temperature T. In this case, stars are considered as black bodies with a surface area of , while luminosity L refers to energy radiated per unit surface area and time. Thus, from Stefan’s law, the relationship between luminosity, radius of the star, and temperature is   , where σ is Stefan's constant, .

Stellar evolution
Stellar evolution refers to the process in which a star undergoes a sequence of transformations during its lifetime. There are many ways in which a star could undergo stellar evolution and it depends on the mass of the star. The following is mainly about how the Sun (or any solar mass stars) evolves.

A star radiates energy (in the form of heat or light or electromagnetic waves, for instance) constantly over its lifetime. For the majority of the star’s lifetime, the energy comes from the process of nuclear fusion, which takes place within the core of the star.

When no hydrogen is left in the core, nuclear fusion stops, and the helium core of the star starts to collapse. The thin layer of hydrogen surrounding the core will be heated up by the gravitational contraction. Fusion therefore begins in the layer and the star expands. 


Although the surface temperature is low, the core temperature is extremely high. Since the size of the star (and thus the radius) increases, according to Stefan’s law, the total luminosity is also high. However, since the total surface area is extremely large, the average luminosity is low and the star appears to be red in colour. The star evolves from the main stage to the red giant stage.

In this stage, helium-burning takes place in the core and carbon will be formed, while hydrogen-burning continues to take place at the surface. At the same time, the shell and the outer layers are gradually expelled as planetary nebula. After this, the core is not hot enough for carbon-burning, such that it shrinks and collapses gradually. It grows fainter as well as hotter and becomes a white dwarf. A white dwarf is extremely dense. It is slightly smaller than the Earth, but it has as much matter as that of the Sun!

Theoretically, when a white dwarf has radiated all its remaining energy, it becomes a black dwarf. However, astronomers believe that a black dwarf does not exist currently because it takes a much longer time for a black dwarf to be formed compared to the age of the observable universe.

What about the stars which have masses that is distinctly different from the Sun? What happens to them? Simply put, a massive star (those larger than _ solar masses) becomes a red supergiant and undergoes heavy elements fusion (which is similar to helium burning, only that heavier elements are fused to synthesize even heavier elements because the temperature and pressure is high enough). Iron formation at the core of the star leads to a supernova explosion, where the outer layers of the star will be thrown off to space and the inner core collapses.

At this point, the mass of the collapsed core needs to be taken into account. If its mass is between 1.4 and 3 solar masses, a neutron star will be formed. It is an extremely compact ball of neutrons squeezed together, supported by neutron degenerate pressure. However, if its mass is more than 3 solar masses, it collapses into a black-hole. No one knows what happens within the event horizon of the black-hole. For more details, please refer to the previous articles in our blog!

This is basically a brief process of how stars of different masses evolve and change through time and it forms the framework of HR diagrams. For more information about stellar classification, stellar evolution, and H-R diagrams, please see http://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Stellar_classification.html


春夏季星空(Spring and Summer Constellation)

Author: 黑田&原始人
春季星空(Spring Constellation)


獅子座是春季的星空之王,最亮的那顆星是軒轅十四(Regulus),是獅子座的心臟,視星等約1.35。獅子座在西方神話中是海格拉斯(Hercules) 勒死的獅子。海格拉斯天生神勇,以完成十二項艱鉅任務為人所熟悉。海格拉斯的第一件工作就是殺死這隻刀槍不入的雄獅,海格拉斯硬是勒死了牠。得到天神的可憐,這頭雄獅被昇入空中成為星座。在天空上你由巨蟹(Cancer)向東看,看到獅子,跳過處女,就是牧夫座(Bootes),然後是武仙座(Hercules),武仙座就是海格拉斯本人,在天上看著自己的傑作,很有意思。

著名的北斗七星位於大熊座(Ursa Major),春天入夜時會從東北偏北方升起。它的形狀像一個斗,從斗魁至斗杓七星的名字分別為天樞(Dubhe)、天璇(Merak)、天璣(Phad)、天權(Megrez)、玉衡(Alioth)、開陽(Mizar)及搖光(Alkaid)。如有閱讀金庸的《射雕英雄傳》,相信不會對以上名字感陌生。在大北斗的斗柄的轉折點上就是著名開陽雙星,它們是光學雙星(Visual Binary),看起來很接近,但不受彼此的重力束縛。較明亮的稱為開陽,較暗的稱為輔(Alcor)。要以肉眼分開它們的難度到底有多高呢?據說古代斯巴達人以辨別開陽雙星為軍人的視力標準。


牧夫座(Bootes)與獵犬座(Canes Venatici)
順著北斗斗柄的弧度伸延就可找到大角(Arcturus),也就是牧夫座最亮的星,視星等有-0.04,為全天第四亮星,是牧夫的大腿內側。牧夫座本是天空的牧羊人亞特拉斯(Arcturus),後來受天后希拉 的指使,帶著他的獵犬去追逐大、小熊(Ursa Minor),因此也被稱為「狩熊的人」。我們可以發現牧夫和獵犬緊跟著大、小熊,在天空北極附近繞著圈子追逐著。

獵犬座 代表牧人(牧夫座)用皮帶拴著的兩隻獵犬,最亮星是常陳一(Cor Caroll),視星等有2.4,是一顆物理雙星(Physical Double),用小型望遠鏡可觀測。


總的來說,春季的星空是由很多不同類型的動物組成,要辨認它們:首先,就要從北斗七星的斗杓:玉衡 、開陽 和搖光 經牧夫座大角 至室女座角宿一 的假想弧線數起,也就是「春季大弧線」。另外,室女座角宿一,獅子座五帝座一 和牧夫座大角 會組成一個等邊三角形,稱為「春季大三角」。「春季大鑽石」(亦被稱為「少女的鑽石」)則由春季大三角再加上獵犬座的常陳一 組成。


夏季星空(Summer Constellation)
看過春季的星座後,就是夏季星座出現之時。有別於其他季的星空,由於地球於夏季時正對著銀河(Milky way)的中心,因此亮星相對地比較多;也就是說,在夏天看到的星空是相對的多樣化。在筆者而言,夏季的夜空是最精彩、璀璨的。







M57又名戒指星雲(Ring Nebula),屬行星狀星雲(Planetary Nebulae),是低質量恆星死後,核心萎縮爆炸而形成,如有極先進的天文望遠鏡加上極佳的眼力,中心可見到一枚亮度只有15等白矮星(White Dwarf)。



天蠍座是夏季的星空之王,亦是黃道星座之一;最亮星是心宿二(Antares),約0.9-1.2視星等。天蠍看起來像英文字母中的 J 字,頭部由四顆星組成;心宿二是蝎子的心臟,是一顆超紅巨星(Super Red Giant)。天蠍座的心宿二是兩三千年前夏至的標準,又名大火,詩經裡有一句「七月流火,九月授衣」,意思是說,七月份大火已接近地平線,再過兩個月秋天就到,要準備衣服了。希臘神話裡,獵人奧瑞恩(Orion)過於自大,誇口:[我乃天下無敵],引起天神不滿,天后希拉於是派出得意大將殺手大毒蠍刺殺奧瑞恩,於是只要天蠍一出現,獵戶就會躲起來,這兩個冬夏大星座永無在天空相見之日。

天秤座 (Libra)

天秤座是黃道星座之一,代表正義女神所持的天秤。它位於室女的腳下,在室女及天蠍之間。天秤座曾被當成天蠍座的雙螯,因此最亮的兩顆星別名是 北螯 – 氐宿四(Zubeneschamali)和 南螯 – 氐宿一(Zubenelgenubi)


人馬座是黃道帶星座,在天蝎座旁邊 ,又稱‘射手座’。

最亮星是箕宿三(Kaus Australis),視星等1.8。位於人馬座弓箭位置的八顆星很像一個茶壺:它的壺柄由斗宿一至六組成;而壺嘴則由箕宿一至四組成。壺嘴正好在銀河中心的位置,好像茶壺噴出的煙。至於斗宿一至六,外形很像北斗,被稱為「南斗六星」,有著「南斗注生,北斗注死」的說法。射手是希臘神話中一匹允文允武的人馬(Sagitarius),他是許多英雄的老師父,海格拉斯、雙子卡托斯(Castor)和普勒克斯(Pollux)都是他的門生。然而,他卻死於海格拉斯不小心射出的毒箭之下,宙斯將他移到天上,追射天上的毒物---天蠍,張弓斜對著天蠍的心。




海豚座是筆者認為最神似的其中一個星座:四顆星組成一個四邊形的是海豚的頭部,後一直線是海豚的尾。它位於飛馬座與天鷹座之間。最亮星叫瓠瓜四(Sualocin),雖然只有3.6 視星等,但五顆星組合起來就不得不承認它的形狀真的像一條從星海中躍出的海豚。

半人馬座 (Centaurus)和南十字 (Crux)

半人馬座 一個雖有亮星但卻不易被找到的大星座。最亮星是南門二(Rigil Kent),-0.3視星等,是全天第三亮星;而第二亮星則是馬腹一(Hadar),0.6視星等,全天第十一亮星。半人馬座中,還有NGC5139(Omega Centauri)---奧米加星團,也值得觀看,它是全天最大和最光的球狀星團(globular cluster)。南門二則是一顆聚星,用小型望遠鏡都可見到的壯麗雙星:黃色---0等及金黃色---1.4等的兩顆星,週期為80年。此雙星外還有一顆 11等紅矮星(red dwarf star),稱為比鄰星,是最接近太陽的恆星,約4.2光年。
最的亮星叫十字架二(Acrux),0.8視星等。由四顆星組成,全都只有視星等2以下,分別是十字架一至四(按順時針數) 。

南天極找法 先是把十字架四、二延伸;南門二、馬腹一連線,再畫垂直平分線,而交遇點便是南天極。有別於北天極,南天極沒有一顆像北極星的亮星給我們作辨認,因此就要靠我們想像出來。

1. http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/ngc/brocchi.html
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messier_57


[活動預告]暑期天文班 2013 Astronomy Summer Class 2013



這個暑假,香港大學學生會天文學會特別為你準備了一項極之難忘的活動 — 暑期天文班 2013!!各位可以從中了解到更多的天文知識、與來自不同學校的學生一齊欣賞星空^^ 還有更多更多…

活動日期:7月27日 (香港大學)

7月30日 (香港大學)
8月2-4日 (香港大學嘉道理研究所石崗中心)

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費用: $455
截止報名日期: 6月21日(五)

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